Tlaib Statement on Republicans’ Bill to Put Polluters Over People

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) released the following statement on H.R. 1:

“Our residents in the 12th Congressional District are sick of respiratory issues, their children developing asthma, the unbearable odor, and the other public health impacts of pollution.

“MAGA House Republicans have put forth legislation that will further put polluters over people. The GOP is gutting environmental protections that will lead to the further poisoning of our air and water.

“This bill is nothing more than a cheap political stunt to pad the profits of the same greedy oil and gas companies that are gouging my residents at the pump and poisoning the air they breathe and the water they drink.

“The same oil companies that donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to House Republicans made nearly half a trillion dollars in profits last year alone, but their servants across the aisle don’t think that’s enough.

“Residents know the truth is clear: health protections for you and your family aren’t making gas expensive, corporate greed is. Oil and gas companies have gotten away with price gouging and stock buybacks that enrich their shareholders but make everything less affordable for the rest of us, and they don’t plan to stop. And Republicans are helping them to keep doing so.

“This bill wraps climate denial and corporate giveaways into one tidy, toxic package as the world burns. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to not take this legislation up. I hope Congressmembers on the other side of the aisle get serious about tackling climate change. People are dying and we are running out of time.”


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