Tlaib, Bush, Omar, Bowman Joint Statement on Boycotting Prime Minister Modi’s Joint Address to Congress

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Representatives Rashida Tlaib (MI-12), Cori Bush (MO-01), Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) released a joint statement on boycotting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s joint address to Congress:

“When it comes to standing up for human rights, actions speak louder than words. By bestowing Prime Minister Modi with the rare honor of a joint address, Congress undermines its ability to be a credible advocate for the rights of religious minorities and journalists around the world.

“Modi has a notorious and extensive record of human rights abuses. He was complicit in the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed over 1,000 people, leading to the revocation of his U.S. visa. His government has openly targeted Muslims and other religious minorities, enabled Hindu nationalist violence, undermined democracy, targeted journalists and dissidents, and suppressed criticism using authoritarian tactics like Internet shutdowns and censorship.

“It is shameful to honor these abuses by allowing Modi to address a joint session of Congress. We refuse to participate in it and will be boycotting the joint address. We stand in solidarity with the communities that have been harmed by Modi and his policies. We must never sacrifice human rights at the altar of political expediency and we urge all Members of Congress who profess to stand for freedom and democracy to join us in boycotting this embarrassing spectacle.”


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