Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Sworn in for Third Term

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Saturday, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) released the following statement after being sworn in for a third term in the United States House of Representatives to represent Michigan’s new 12th Congressional District: 

“Today, I was sworn into my third term in the United States House of Representatives to represent the constituents of Michigan’s 12th Congressional District. I continue to be honored and humbled that my neighbors would send a girl from Southwest Detroit to represent them in the People’s House. To be able to serve our diverse, vibrant communities is the ultimate privilege of service, and to be sworn in wearing a Palestinian thobe means that my ancestors are by my side. 

“There is much more work to be done to ensure that every resident in the 12th Congressional District and across the country has the opportunity to thrive. While our district number has changed, our transformative constituent services and legislative work will not. My team and I are already hard at work serving 12th District Strong and we cannot wait to welcome our neighbors here in D.C. and in our multiple neighborhood service centers across the district. 

“Thank you to my neighbors, to our community. Now let’s get to work!” 


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